196 photos
2131 photos in 24 sub-albums
My artwork made with Paintshop Pro, Clip Studio and Paint tool SAI! (for the most part). I still use Paintshop Pro 9 for some effects, but I mostly draw and paint in Paint Tool SAI and Clip Studio nowadays.
Welcome to my art gallery!
196 photos
2131 photos in 24 sub-albums
My artwork made with Paintshop Pro, Clip Studio and Paint tool SAI! (for the most part). I still use Paintshop Pro 9 for some effects, but I mostly draw and paint in Paint Tool SAI and Clip Studio nowadays.
79 photos
1376 photos in 28 sub-albums
All my artwork done with traditional medium. I currently use Copic Markers for the most part, but in the past I would use Prismacolor pencils and even further back - cheap as faber castell & crayola pencils!
548 photos
Every commissioned artworks I've done for clients over the past 14+ years!
295 photos
Art Trades and Giftarts I've done over the years with friends and other familiar artists ^^
51 photos
64 photos
A collection of animated gifs I have made over the years XD